Why Choose Australian Natives

28th February 2018

Gardens in Australia face different weather conditions all year round. Along with long, hot, dry summers, they are also confronted with frosts in many parts of the country. However, with Australian native plants, you can still have a garden that will look stunning. Here are some of the many benefits of planting Australian natives.

Natives are Beautiful

Australian native plants are beautiful whether they are flowering or not. When they do flower, they have unique characteristics which allow them to bloom attractive seasonal flowers. Natives also encourage different types of birds and butterflies into your garden.

Cost Effective

Since native plants are used to the weather conditions in Australia, they can tolerate drought and needs less water than other exotic plants. They are inexpensive and are very easy to grow. An established native garden is low maintenance, won’t turn into weeds and isn’t susceptible to local pests and diseases. Start with small plants that are available at fairly low prices.

They Help The Environment

Most native plants offer food and shelter for animals such as birds, butterflies, and lizards – the crucial link that connects animal and plant populations. In addition, almost all native plants have a low need for fertilizers and a huge range of native plants can grow in soils where exotic plants can’t survive.

When should I plant Australian Natives?

In general, you can plant Australian Native plants at any time of the year. However, autumn is the ideal time of year to plant your natives because the soil still contains warmth and there is generally more water in the winter months.

Ultimately, Australian natives make a great choice for any garden. They are beautiful, hardy and growing them in our yards helps to preserve them and highlight our unique heritage. So, next time you are thinking about adding to your garden, choose Australian natives!

Need help with your landscaping? Contact Insight Landscapes – we can help with the design and installation of your new garden.

Why Choose Australian Natives